
The Advancers

We are different,

we are incomparable

– and that’s intentional..

TARGET Foodunternehmer

"No thanks" -  "We're too busy."

The Advancers

As the name indicates, we from TARGET foodunternehmer are exclusively specialised on food: advancing people, companies, products, or concepts in an entrepreneurial way. At the same time, this “ADVANCING” is our benchmark and criterion for taking action and for evaluating the results.




As a matter of principle, it’s all about having a clear-cut analytical and market-relevant fundamental basis on which to define which entrepreneurial decisions to take in the interest of a successful future.


You don’t believe it?

Still it’s true, for we can understand you and your perspective very well. After all, we’re doing the same things for ourselves we’d do for you. We, too, are entrepreneurs, living the entrepreneurial values of pioneer spirit, courage, readiness to take risks, innovative power, and celerity. This we prove by our various own activities and ventures, investing our own money. Since only in this way and via our own experiences we believe we are really credible, doing in fact only what makes good business sense, quickly leading to a Return on Investment.

TARGET Foodunternehmer
TARGET Foodunternehmer


Our Heart and Soul
for Our Own

Spending other people’s money is easy. But you gain credibility only by investing your own money in your own food projects ...

... for that is the entrepreneurial proof that we understand your situation precisely and that we are thus able to be jointly successful together with you.



  • The way we analyze, think, and act is always entrepreneurial (ROI)
  • We invest our own money in our own food projects
  • We develop, market, and successfully launch concepts and products
  • We have a deep-rooted and long-standing knowledge of the food market


Our Strong Points

  • Starting with a well-founded stock-taking and appraisal, the actual situation and the market analysis, we holistically develop the strategy and concepts
  • Developing the corporate positioning/orientation
  • Developing concept/brand/name, package design
  • Developing formulation and product
  • Understanding technology and production
  • Networking with producers and retailers
  • Gaining access to retailers, food service, and the OOH market
  • Holistic accompaniment – from A to Z


Our “Credo”

  • What you don’t think about beforehand, will end up costing you lots of money later
  • We invest our money in a way that makes good business sense, and we only spend it in effective ways
  • Our benchmark for success: the Return on Investment (ROI)


An Entrepreneur Is Enterprising

The primary task of an entrepreneur is to earn money ...

… for in contrast to holdings and groups of companies, entrepreneurs of mid-sized companies assume responsibility for the continuing existence of their company and secure employment, as well as fostering the loyalty of suppliers and customers (with their brand and products), without being driven purely by the idea of shareholder value (pure profit orientation). Pioneer spirit and innovative power as well as courage and risk taking characterize their actions. The human being, the consumer, is the centre of interest. The point being to achieve uniqueness as well as a differentiated product offer and a clear image.

That’s why you need to lay the basis by knowing precisely who you are and where exactly you want to go. For you will only get a return on investment if this investment really brings benefit and creates added value. Still, the return is always the final point of an entire chain. That’s why it’s important for us to know all preceding links of that chain precisely, to evaluate them, and to be thus able to control the result.

Target Foodunternehmer
Target Foodunternehmer


Circumstances &

It is a challenge to take the right route for one’s company or one’s undertakings ...

... often it is even a NO that will take you further. For you can set benchmarks only by being clear and focused on your goals.

And there’s one thing we experience time and again: it is not the external circumstances that determine success, but it is your decisions.


External &
Internal Perspectives

Who it is who seems to be right, is often merely a matter of perspective. And sometimes, it’s enough to simply change your perspective ever so slightly ...

... for in order to be able to take the right decisions, you need two sets of perspectives: the internal perspective and the external perspective. The internal perspective is the one you have. However, since often one is unable to see certain things in this light alone, we can contribute our entrepreneurial external perspective.

It’s the combination of both perspectives that will create new insights, and real clarity. Illustrating many things, thus minimising the risk to take a wrong decision. Only this makes it possible to change one’s perspective or to adjust it appropriately.

Finally, we will develop a strategic and conceptual basis as the foundation for evaluation. A simple “I like it” is a thing of the past; today is the time for holistic, interconnected, and sustainable concepts.

Target Foodunternehmer
Target Foodunternehmer



Our experience shows
that at least 90% of solutions
reside within the company itself ...

... however, the internal view often renders those solutions practically invisible when one is too closely involved in the company’s processes and day-to-day dealings.

But should anybody come along and tell you that they will do everything for you, all new and all better, don’t take them seriously.


The Human Being &
the Network

Markets and successes are the result of actions made by people. We regard the human factor as one of the most decisive parameters …

... for in order to make progress, you need good people. Each entrepreneur represents attributes and values like personality, reliability, honesty, trust and confidence. It’s all about mutual respect and loyalty. That’s the spirit in which we will cooperate with you, making good use of our entire food network, true to our holistic understanding and approach.

Target Foodunternehmer
Target Foodunternehmer


Playing Field &

We from TARGET foodunternehmer prefer to enter the playing field together with you. And for this, there is a great variety of options for how we can do this …

An important factor is to assume responsibility and to actively advance things. For standing on the sidelines, criticising, naysaying, and telling people why they should refrain from doing certain things, is quite easy. That’s why the sidelines are so crowded.


Courage & Headwinds

Entrepreneurship requires courage and decisions. Taking decisions is not easy, especially not in stormy weather …

But please always remember: airplanes lift off against the wind, not with it.

Target Foodunternehmer
Target Foodunternehmer


Theory & Practice

The things we develop for you and together with you – both in theory and strategy – we also can put into practice in a holistic manner …

For with TARGET UNTERNEHMERAGENTUR pfeil we have a company with entrepreneurial thinking and executional capabilities. That gives you the reassurance not to be alone in this holistic process, and that we can accompany you all the way.

Only one’s own
financial investment brings
about true understanding

Only those who have experienced themselves what it means to take risks in terms of money, partners, projects and to assume the entire responsibility for their actions can actually speak as a peer and will take decisions with ROI in mind.

Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer
Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer
Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer

Everybody’s Different.
So Is Each New Task.

Intensively dealing with the given situation, with your company, the market, the competition, the products, structures, and customers – seen through our entrepreneur’s glasses – will in the end show a clear orientation of the company, providing an executable plan of action and activities in the interest of ROI.

Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer
Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer
Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer
Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer Target Foodunternehmer

The Advancers

Target Foodunternehmer

Linda Kupper

Working together with visionary companies and people is the perfect basis. Coupled with conceptual creativity, this allows to create and achieve the sense of the essential. Thus creating unique things that last.

Target Foodunternehmer

Wolfgang van Moll

Strategic concepts and a holistic factual approach bring about the basis for success – alongside the human factor.


Target Foodunternehmer


TARGET foodunternehmer GmbH
Hanauer Landstraße 289
60314 Frankfurt am Main

Target Foodunternehmer



Target Foodunternehmer


+49 69 66403-0

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